一名男子在都柏林的康诺利车站被捕,因为有人在火车上报告有可疑的火器。 A man was arrested at Dublin's Connolly Station after a suspected firearm was reported on a train.
一名50多岁的男子在都柏林康诺利车站被捕,因为据报星期三晚上有一辆火车抵达车站,车上有可疑的火器。 A man in his 50s was arrested at Dublin's Connolly Station after a suspected firearm was reported on a train arriving at the station on Wednesday evening. 警方在下午6点20分收到报告,并安全疏散了派出所。 Police received the report at 6:20 PM and evacuated the station for safety. 该火器被缴获,将进行全面技术检查。 The firearm was seized and will undergo a full technical examination. 该车站在晚上 7 点 25 分左右重新开放,警方警告公众核实社交媒体上分享的有关该事件的信息。 The station reopened around 7:25 PM, and police warned the public to verify information shared on social media about the incident.