缅因州众议院将就家庭暴力重罪指控调查众议员卢卡斯·拉尼根 (Lucas Lanigan)。 Maine House to investigate Rep. Lucas Lanigan over domestic violence felony charges.
缅因州众议院投票决定调查共和党议员卢卡斯·拉尼根对家庭暴力的指控,包括重罪袭击。 The Maine House of Representatives voted to investigate Republican lawmaker Lucas Lanigan over domestic violence charges, including felony assault. 拉尼根在重新计票后以一票赢得连选连任,他否认这些指控。 Lanigan, who won re-election by a single vote after a recount, denies the allegations. 众议院道德委员会将审查他是否违反法律道德守则,因为民主党人由于指控的严重性而要求进行调查,而共和党人则认为案件应由法院处理。 The House Ethics Committee will examine whether he violated the legislative code of ethics, with Democrats pushing for an investigation due to the seriousness of the charges, while Republicans argue the case should be handled by the courts.