蒙大拿参议院表决将森·杰森·埃尔斯沃斯的道德调查提交司法部。 Montana Senate votes to refer ethics investigation of Sen. Jason Ellsworth to state DOJ.
蒙大拿参议院投票表决27-22,推迟参议院伦理委员会对前参议院主席森·杰森·埃尔斯沃斯的调查,将案件转交州司法部。 The Montana Senate voted 27-22 to delay the Senate Ethics Committee's investigation into former Senate President Sen. Jason Ellsworth, referring the case to the state Department of Justice. Ellsworth被控在批准一项170,000美元的国家合同时没有遵循适当程序, Ellsworth is accused of not following proper procedure in approving a $170,000 state contract, with findings of "abuse and waste." 民主党声称参议院的道德进程已经变得过度政治化,而共和党人则认为,这一举动可能把道德问题扫到一旁。 Democrats claim the Senate's ethics process had become overly politicized, while Republicans argue this move could sweep ethics concerns under the rug.