前德国财政部长克里斯蒂安·林德纳(Christian Lindner)在一次竞选演说中, 面对一个剃须泡沫“蛋糕”攻击。 Former German Finance Minister Christian Lindner faced a shaving foam "cake" attack during a campaign speech.
德国前财政部长克里斯蒂安·林德纳(Christian Lindner)在自由民主党竞选总理时,在一次竞选演说中,一名左翼政党的年轻女性用一个涂满了彩色泡沫的像蛋糕一样的盘子打中他。 Former German Finance Minister Christian Lindner, running for Chancellor with the Free Democratic Party, was hit with a shaving foam-filled cake-like plate by a young woman from the Left Party during a campaign speech. Lindner 幽默地谈到了泡沫并继续他的演讲。 Lindner humorously remarked about the foam and continued his speech. 德国总理舒尔茨(Scholz)和内政部长费泽(Faeser)谴责这次攻击, German Chancellor Scholz and Interior Minister Faeser condemned the attack, with Faeser calling it "indecent and undemocratic." 袭击者已被查明身份,正在接受调查。 The assailant was identified and is under investigation.