东大福克斯的一个家庭由于断层电线引起的小起阁楼火灾而流离失所。 A family in East Grand Forks was displaced due to a small attic fire caused by faulty wiring.
12月12日,在东大福克斯的一个家庭家中发生小起阁楼火灾后,一家家庭流离失所。 A family in East Grand Forks was displaced after a small attic fire in their home on December 12. 火灾可能是因电线故障引起的,被困在后卧室,但房屋其余部分受到轻烟破坏。 The fire, likely caused by faulty wiring, was contained to a back bedroom, though the rest of the house suffered light smoke damage. 在美国红十字会的协助下,这个家庭正在等待返回家园。 Assisted by the American Red Cross, the family is waiting to return home. 地方消防部门和机构作出了回应,强调在节假日使用烟雾探测器的重要性。 Local fire departments and agencies responded, emphasizing the importance of working smoke detectors during the holidays.