澳大利亚首先推出了 " EcoTow " 低碳拖车服务,几乎消除了港口停靠时的二氧化碳排放量。 Australia launches first low-carbon towage service, EcoTow, nearly eliminating CO2 emissions for port calls.
Svitzer和Höegh汽车客运公司为Höegh Aurora前往四个澳大利亚港口的少女航程推出了澳大利亚首个叫做EcoTow的低碳拖车服务。 Svitzer and Höegh Autoliners have launched Australia's first low-carbon towage service, called EcoTow, for Höegh Aurora's maiden voyage to four Australian ports. 这项服务使用Svitzer生物燃料业务的碳信用额度,几乎消除了港口停靠期间的二氧化碳排放量。 This service nearly eliminates CO2 emissions during port calls by using carbon credits from Svitzer's biofuel operations. Svitzer旨在进一步减少生物燃料和电池驱动拖轮的排放,与Höegh到2040年实现净零排放的目标保持一致。 Svitzer aims to further reduce emissions with biofuel and battery-powered tugs, aligning with Höegh's goal of net-zero emissions by 2040.