AI科技将以色列记者Nussi带回电视, AI technology brings back Israeli journalist 'Nussi' to TV, recreating his voice lost to ALS.
以色列记者Moshe Nussbaum, 名为「Nussi」, 在AI科技帮助下, 回到12频道新闻, Israeli journalist Moshe Nussbaum, known as "Nussi," has returned to Channel 12 News with the aid of AI technology after losing his speech due to ALS. AI重塑了他独特的声音, 允许他继续报导和写故事, The AI recreates his distinctive voice, allowing him to continue reporting and writing stories, though not for live broadcasts. 这种对AI的创新使用为其他有言语障碍的人开辟了可能性,同时也引起了对潜在滥用的担忧。 This innovative use of AI opens possibilities for others with speech impairments, while also raising concerns about potential misuse.