人工智能公司 Eternos 开发了与悲伤相关的技术,让哀悼者能够与死者的人工智能版本进行互动。 AI company Eternos develops grief-related technology allowing mourners to interact with an AI version of the deceased.
得益于 Eternos 等公司开发出的悲伤相关人工智能技术,哀悼者现在可以与死者的人工智能版本进行互动。 Mourners can now interact with an AI version of the deceased, thanks to companies like Eternos, which has developed grief-related AI technology. 迈克尔·博默 (Michael Bommer) 受到自己绝症的启发,尝试利用人工智能重塑自己的声音,以便妻子安妮特 (Anett) 了解他死后的人生经历和感悟。 Michael Bommer, inspired by his terminal illness, sought to recreate his voice using AI for his wife Anett to engage with his life experiences and insights after his death. 这项新技术是人工智能在处理悲伤方面不断发展的领域的一部分。 This new technology is part of a growing space for AI that deals with grief.