一位来自湾区的本地人推出了 AI 聊天机器人专题节目, 引起当地媒体的关注. A Bay Area native launches talk show featuring AI chatbots, gaining local media attention.
一位湾区本地人推出了一个在线脱口秀节目,采访 AI 聊天机器人。 A Bay Area native has launched an online talk show that features interviews with AI chatbots. 该节目旨在探索人造智能在谈话形式中的能力和局限性。 The show aims to explore the capabilities and limitations of artificial intelligence in a conversational format. 它在《Mercury News》和《硅谷》中都得到了关注,突出显示了人们对AI技术及其融入日常媒体的兴趣日益浓厚。 It has gained attention in both The Mercury News and Silicon Valley, highlighting the growing interest in AI technology and its integration into everyday media.