WPP规定雇员每周4天在办公室工作,目的是促进参与和业绩。 WPP mandates employees work in-office four days a week, aiming to boost engagement and performance.
WPP是一家大型广告公司,要求其雇员每周至少要在办公室工作4天,从4月开始。 WPP, a major advertising company, is requiring its employees to work in the office at least four days a week, starting in April. CEO Mark Read说,新政策包括一个灵活的工作日,将提高雇员的参与和财务业绩。 CEO Mark Read says the new policy, which includes one flexible workday, will boost employee engagement and financial performance. 例外将通过正式程序予以考虑。 Exceptions will be considered through a formal process. 此举旨在加强协同工作,并符合客户对面对面互动的偏好。 This move aims to enhance teamwork and align with client preferences for in-person interactions.