200多家联合王国公司实行无薪四天工作周制,以加强工作与生活之间的平衡。 Over 200 UK firms adopt a four-day workweek without pay cuts to enhance work-life balance.
200多家联合王国公司采取了不减少工资的四天每周工作制,目的是改善工作与生活之间的平衡。 More than 200 UK companies have adopted a four-day workweek without reducing pay, aiming to improve work-life balance. 4天周基金会推动这一变化,认为100年前发明的传统五天周已经过时。 The 4 Day Week Foundation, pushing for this change, argues that the traditional five-day week, invented 100 years ago, is outdated. 最近的一项民意调查显示,78%的18-34岁者相信这在五年内会成为常态,65%的人不想重返全职办公室工作。 A recent poll shows 78% of 18-34-year-olds believe this will become the norm within five years, with 65% not wanting to return to full-time office work.