从1月1日起,PwC对联合王国雇员实行3天的办公室内最低职务限制,以促进面对面的互动。 PwC enforces a 3-day in-office minimum for UK employees, starting January 1, to boost face-to-face interaction.
普华永道将对其26,000名英国员工实施更严格的办公要求,要求他们每周至少花费三天时间在现场或与客户一起工作, PwC is enforcing stricter in-office requirements for its 26,000 UK employees, mandating they spend at least three days a week working on-site or with clients, effective January 1. 这一变化从前两天改为前三天,目的是将面对面互动列为优先事项,以便转而开展更多的面对面协作。 This change from the previous two to three days aims to prioritize face-to-face interaction in a shift back to more in-person collaboration. 雇员将每月收到有关其所在地点数据的最新资料,以确保遵守新政策。 Employees will receive monthly updates on their location data to ensure compliance with the new policy.