强力的圣安娜风,高达100米, 撞击了南加州, 增加了野火风险。 Strong Santa Ana winds, up to 100 mph, hit Southern California, raising wildfire risks.
通常在更凉爽的几个月里 圣安娜风从内陆沙漠 吹向南加州海岸 Santa Ana winds are strong, dry, gusty winds blowing from the desert interior towards Southern California's coast, typically in cooler months. 当它们穿过山脉时,它们会加速和加热,增加野火风险,并造成干燥状况。 They speed up and heat up as they pass through mountain ranges, increasing wildfire risk and causing dry conditions. Accuweather警告说,星期二南加州有多达100米长的风,导致大火危险和潜在的交通中断。 AccuWeather warns of up to 100 mph winds in Southern California on Tuesday, leading to high fire danger and potential transportation disruptions.