Stephen Fleming对谋杀Annette Brennan老师 无罪认罪 跳过住院听证会 Stephen Fleming pleads not guilty to murdering teacher Annette Brennan, skips committal hearing.
Stephen Fleming被控谋杀67岁的教师Annette Brennan并将她的尸体放在轮盘里,他表示不服罪,并选择迅速将其案件提交墨尔本最高法院,放弃接受住院审讯的权利。 Stephen Fleming, accused of murdering 67-year-old teacher Annette Brennan and disposing of her body in a wheelie bin, pleaded not guilty and opted to fast-track his case to the Melbourne Supreme Court, waiving his right to a committal hearing. 1月28日将举行指示听证会。 A directions hearing is scheduled for January 28. 检察官不能再依赖某些证据,包括全球定位系统和移动电话记录。 Prosecutors may no longer rely on certain evidence, including GPS and mobile phone records. 弗莱明仍被关押。 Fleming remains in custody.