Marcus Fleming 21岁 通过视频出庭 指控74岁的Tony Miskimmon的过失杀人 Marcus Fleming, 21, appears in court via video for the manslaughter of 74-year-old Tony Miskimmon.
Marcus Fleming, 21岁,来自Antrim, 通过视频链接出庭, 指控74岁的Tony Miskimmon过失杀人, Marcus Fleming, a 21-year-old from Antrim, appeared in court via video link charged with the manslaughter of 74-year-old Tony Miskimmon, who died days after being assaulted. Fleming最初被指控袭击Miskimmon并造成严重身体伤害。 Fleming was initially charged with attacking Miskimmon and causing grievous bodily harm. 该案将休庭一个月,弗莱明被还押候审。 The case will be adjourned for a month, with Fleming remanded into custody.