在Campbell县,有6名男子在“买家当心行动”中被捕,以打击性贩运。 Six men were arrested in Campbell County in "Operation Buyer Beware" to combat sex trafficking.
坎贝尔县警长办公室逮捕了6名男子作为"买家注意行动"的一部分, The Campbell County Sheriff's Office arrested six men as part of "Operation Buyer Beware," targeting solicitation of prostitution to combat sex trafficking. Whit Clark警长强调必须减少对商业性性活动的需求,并与社区伙伴合作防止人口贩运。 Sheriff Whit Clark stressed the importance of reducing demand for commercial sexual activities and working with community partners to prevent human trafficking. 这项行动还鼓励社区成员识别并报告贩运情况。 The operation also encourages community members to recognize and report trafficking.