伊利诺伊州警察在一次以引诱儿童进行性交易为目标的刺杀行动中逮捕了6人。 Illinois police arrested six individuals in a sting operation targeting solicitation of children for sex.
伊利诺伊州警察局在Rockford进行了一次为期两天的绞刑行动,逮捕了6名被控以商业性性行为引诱儿童的人。 Illinois State Police conducted a two-day sting operation in Rockford, leading to the arrest of six individuals accused of soliciting children for commercial sex acts. 这项涉及多个执法机构的行动导致指控,包括猥亵引诱儿童以及旅行与儿童见面。 The operation, which involved multiple law enforcement agencies, resulted in charges including indecent solicitation of a child and traveling to meet a child. 作为打击贩运人口努力的一部分,逮捕了31至71岁的嫌疑人。 The suspects, aged 31 to 71, were arrested as part of efforts to combat human trafficking.