Shayne Hiemstra因偷车、非法武器、毒品及危害儿童罪在棕榈沙漠被捕。 Shayne Hiemstra arrested in Palm Desert for stolen car, illegal arms, drugs, and child endangerment.
一名来自棕榈沙漠的37岁男子Shayne Hiemstra在一次偷来的车辆报告导致在其家中发现了非法火器、麻醉品和3D打印机后被捕。 A 37-year-old man from Palm Desert, Shayne Hiemstra, was arrested after a stolen vehicle report led to the discovery of illegal firearms, narcotics, and 3D printers at his home. 在青少年卧室中还发现了未登记的火器。 An unregistered firearm was also found in a juvenile's bedroom. Hiemstra面临多项指控,包括偷窃车辆、武器和毒品犯罪,以及危害儿童罪。 Hiemstra faces multiple charges including stolen vehicle, weapons, and drug offenses, as well as child endangerment. 他被拘留在John Benoit拘留中心。 He is in custody at the John Benoit Detention Center.