奥克兰机场凌晨3点附近,警察在一辆被盗的丰田Hilux逮捕了两人,车上装有满载左轮手枪和现金。 3 AM near Auckland Airport, police arrested two individuals in a stolen Toyota Hilux with a loaded revolver and cash.
奥克兰机场附近凌晨3时,警察对关于一辆丰田豪车被盗的报告作出了回应。 At 3 AM near Auckland Airport, police responded to reports of a stolen Toyota Hilux. 一架直升机跟踪了这辆车,并停在附近地点。 The vehicle was tracked by a helicopter and stopped at a nearby location. 两人被捕,里面发现一辆装满子弹的左轮手枪和一大笔现金。 Two individuals were arrested, and a loaded revolver along with a large sum of cash was found inside. 一名29岁的男子面临非法持有火器和非法劫持机动车辆的指控,他预定在马努考地区法院出庭。 A 29-year-old man faces charges for unlawful possession of a firearm and taking a motor vehicle unlawfully, and he is scheduled to appear in Manukau District Court.