东巴吞鲁日警长的副手逮捕了42岁的Dwayne Hickman,他被指控犯有重大贩毒罪,并扣押了毒品和火器。 East Baton Rouge sheriff's deputies arrested Dwayne Hickman, 42, accused of major drug trafficking, seizing drugs and firearms.
警方逮捕了42岁的德韦恩·希克曼, 涉嫌在扎卡里贩毒. The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office arrested Dwayne Hickman, 42, suspected of being a major drug trafficker in Zachary. 特工在Hickman的两个地点执行搜查令 之后收到犯罪阻截者举报 并观察毒品交易 Agents executed search warrants at two of Hickman's locations after receiving Crime Stoppers tips and observing drug transactions. 他们缴获了大量毒品,包括芬太尼、可卡因、甲基安非他明和大麻,以及3 557美元的现金、盔甲和16件火器。 They seized a large quantity of drugs, including fentanyl, cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana, along with $3,557 in cash, body armor, and 16 firearms. Hickman面临指控,包括持有意图分销的武器和非法持有枪支。 Hickman faces charges including possession with intent to distribute and illegal firearm possession.