研究人员开发AI工具,以突破性精确度预测自发免疫疾病的进展。 Researchers develop AI tool that predicts autoimmune disease progression with groundbreaking accuracy.
宾夕法尼亚州立医学院的研究人员创建了一种人工智能方法,称为基因进步计分(GPS),该方法预测自发免疫疾病的发展速度,其精确度比目前的模型高出高达1000%。 Researchers at Penn State College of Medicine have created an AI method, called the Genetic Progression Score (GPS), that predicts the progression of autoimmune diseases with up to 1,000% more accuracy than current models. 通过分析电子健康记录和遗传数据, GPS 可以识别患有疾病进展高风险的患者, 潜在地使得早期诊断和更有效的治疗成为可能. By analyzing electronic health records and genetic data, GPS can identify patients at high risk for disease progression, potentially enabling earlier diagnosis and more effective treatments. 这可能大大改善8%受自发免疫疾病影响的美国人的疾病管理。 This could significantly improve disease management for the 8% of Americans affected by autoimmune diseases.