奥克拉荷马州的新法允许重罪犯在刑满后投票, 目的是促进康复。 Oklahoma's new law lets felons vote after completing sentences, aiming to boost rehabilitation.
俄克拉荷马州1月1日生效的新法律允许罪犯在服满刑期、假释或缓刑或获得赦免后投票。 Oklahoma's new law, effective January 1, allows convicted felons to vote once they complete their sentence, parole, or probation, or receive a pardon. 这项旨在将前重罪犯重新融入社会的立法也适用于那些被减刑为轻罪的人。 The legislation, aimed at reintegrating former felons into society, also applies to those whose felony sentences were reduced to misdemeanors. 许多前重罪犯认为,这是对康复和重返社会的有力激励。 Many former felons see this as a powerful incentive for rehabilitation and reintegration.