联邦法官将决定密西西比州是否可以永久剥夺重罪犯的投票权。 Federal judges will decide if Mississippi can permanently strip felons of voting rights.
根据密西西比州宪法,被判犯有某些重罪(包括贿赂、盗窃和纵火)的密西西比州居民将失去投票权。 Mississippi residents convicted of certain felonies, including bribery, theft, and arson, lose the right to vote under the Mississippi Constitution. 犯罪名单扩大到 22 项后,倡导者起诉该州。 Advocates sued the state after the list was expanded to 22 crimes. 美国19名联邦上诉法官5日出庭 19 federal appellate judges on the 5th U.S. 巡回上诉法院将听取有关可能恢复数万人投票权的论点。 Circuit Court of Appeals will hear arguments to potentially restore the right to vote to tens of thousands of people. 该禁令违反了第八修正案,该修正案禁止“残酷和不寻常”的惩罚。 The ban violates the Eighth Amendment, which prohibits "cruel and unusual" punishment.