尼日利亚总统赞美Kyari在NNPCL的领导地位, Nigerian president praises Kyari's leadership at NNPCL, despite protests over high fuel prices.
总统博拉·蒂努布(Bola Tinubu)祝贺Meele Kyari60岁生日, 称赞他在将尼日利亚国家石油公司有限公司(NNPCL)转变成盈利实体方面的领导作用。 President Bola Tinubu congratulated Mele Kyari on his 60th birthday, praising his leadership in transforming the Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited (NNPCL) into a profitable entity. 在Kyari的领导下,该公司恢复了两个炼油厂,增加了国内天然气使用量,并将石油产量提高到每天180万桶。 Under Kyari's leadership, the company has revived two refineries, increased domestic natural gas use, and boosted oil production to 1.8 million barrels daily. Tinubu还赞扬Kyari的专业精神和献身精神,并祈祷他继续取得成功。 Tinubu also commended Kyari's professionalism and dedication to service, praying for his continued success. 但阿布贾有20,000名活动家最近抗议Kyari的领导权, 以燃料价格高涨及经济困难为由, However, 20,000 activists in Abuja recently protested against Kyari's leadership, citing high fuel prices and economic hardship.