德里警方在旁遮普巴格发生枪战后逮捕了两名抢劫犯,在80多起案件中被通缉。 Delhi Police arrested two robbers, wanted in over 80 cases, after a shootout in Punjabi Bagh.
德里警察在旁遮普巴格发生枪战后逮捕了两名抢劫犯Rohit Kapoor和Rinku,他们卷入80多起刑事案件,包括武装抢劫。 Delhi Police arrested two robbers, Rohit Kapoor and Rinku, involved in over 80 criminal cases, including armed robberies, after a shootout in Punjabi Bagh. 嫌疑人向警察开枪,但受伤,目前正在医院接受治疗。 The suspects fired at the police but were injured and are now receiving treatment at a hospital. 在德里和中央邦的至少七起武装抢劫案件中,他们被通缉。 They are wanted in at least seven armed robbery cases across Delhi and Madhya Pradesh.