马萨诸塞州2024年60年来人口增长最快, Massachusetts saw its fastest population growth in 60 years in 2024, fueled by record immigration.
马萨诸塞州2024年60年来人口增长率最高,增加了69 603人,即0.985%,是2012-2013年以来最高百分比增长率。 Massachusetts saw its biggest population jump in 60 years in 2024, growing by 69,603 people, or 0.985%, the highest percentage growth since 2012-2013. 由创纪录的高移民水平(90 217)驱动的这一激增使马萨诸塞州成为新英格兰州增长最快的州,在新泽西州之后的东北部排名第二。 The surge, driven by record-high immigration levels of 90,217, made Massachusetts the fastest-growing state in New England and second in the Northeast after New Jersey. 此外,国内向外移民已大大放缓,助长了这一增长。 Additionally, domestic outmigration has significantly slowed, contributing to this growth.