一名男子在Winnipeg的急诊室等了几个小时后死亡;医院进行调查,理由是病人数量很大。 A man died in Winnipeg's ER after waiting hours; hospital investigates, citing high patient volume.
一名中年男子在Winnipeg健康科学中心的急诊室等了数小时后死亡,后被定为低度病人。 A middle-aged man died in Winnipeg's Health Sciences Centre emergency room after waiting several hours, triaged as a lower-acuity patient. 医院官员启动了一项调查,包括医疗图表和录像。 Hospital officials launched an investigation including medical charts and video footage. 急诊室忙着等大约50个病人。 The ER was busy with about 50 patients waiting. 这一事件是继2008年发生类似案件之后发生的,导致全省紧急处理程序发生变化。 This incident follows a similar case in 2008 that led to changes in ER procedures across the province. 医院工作人员坚持认为,人员配置水平不是最近死亡的一个因素。 Hospital staff maintains that staffing levels were not a factor in the recent death.