Janus Henderson和Bailie Gifford反对Saba Capital接管7个伦敦投资信托,认为股东可能受到损害。 Janus Henderson and Baillie Gifford oppose Saba Capital's takeover of seven London investment trusts, citing potential harm to shareholders.
Janus Henderson和Bailie Gifford正在敦促投资者拒绝Saba Capital接管7个伦敦上市投资信托机构的企图。 Janus Henderson and Baillie Gifford are urging investors to reject Saba Capital's takeover attempt of seven London-listed investment trusts. Saba的目的是对董事会进行大修,以业绩问题为例,以投资经理的身份行使控制权。 Saba aims to overhaul boards and take control as the investment manager, citing performance issues. 然而,现任管理人员认为,Saba的行为是自私的,可能损害股东的利益。 However, current managers argue Saba's actions are self-serving and could harm shareholder interests. 投资公司协会正在强调股东在即将举行的大会上投票的重要性。 The Association of Investment Companies is emphasizing the importance of shareholder votes at upcoming general meetings.