Saba是一家纽约对冲基金,旨在以失败为由取代联合王国7个投资信托基金的董事会。 Saba, a New York hedge fund, aims to replace the boards of seven UK investment trusts, citing failures.
Saba是一家总部设在纽约的积极活动对冲基金,正试图推翻七个英国投资信托的董事会,声称董事会失败。 Saba, a New York-based activist hedge fund, is trying to oust the boards of directors of seven UK investment trusts, claiming boardroom failures. 对冲基金呼吁举行股东会议以重组董事会。 The hedge fund has called for shareholder meetings to reconstitute the boards. 有些人指出Saba的策略「显然有缺陷」。 This move has faced criticism, with some pointing out "obvious flaws" in Saba's strategy.