印度和欧盟承诺在新德里对话期间加强人权和民主合作。 India and EU commit to boosting human rights and democracy cooperation during New Delhi dialogue.
印度和欧盟在新德里的对话中重申了它们对民主、人权和法治的承诺。 India and the EU reaffirmed their commitment to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law during a dialogue in New Delhi. 他们讨论了公民权利、言论自由和LGBTQI+权利等议题。 They discussed issues like civil rights, freedom of expression, and LGBTQI+ rights. 欧盟反对死刑,而印度支持发展权利。 The EU opposes capital punishment, while India supports the Right to Development. 双方同意在多边论坛加强合作,加强人权机制。 Both sides agreed to enhance cooperation in multilateral forums and strengthen human rights mechanisms.