《Laken Riley法案》,通过更严格的监督和背景调查,加强寄养安全。 House passes Laken Riley Act to enhance foster care safety with stricter oversight and background checks.
众议院通过了《莱利湖法案》,作为今天第119届国会的第一部法案。 The House passed the Laken Riley Act as the first bill of the 119th Congress today. 该法以2018年死亡的儿童的名字命名,旨在通过加强对寄养家庭的监督和要求潜在养父母进行背景调查来加强寄养儿童的安全。 The act, named after a child who died in 2018, aims to enhance safety for children in foster care by increasing oversight of foster homes and requiring background checks for potential foster parents. 由代表Derek Kilmer(D-WA)介绍的两党法案于星期二下午1时通过。 Introduced by Representative Derek Kilmer (D-WA), the bipartisan bill was approved at 1 p.m. on Tuesday.