国会通过了多项法案,包括旨在贸易、俄罗斯诉讼和向Shirley Chisholm致敬的法案。 Congress passed multiple bills including those aimed at trade, Russian litigation, and honoring Shirley Chisholm.
国会最近通过了几项法案,包括《保护美国工业和劳工免受国际贸易犯罪法》、《保护美国人免受俄罗斯诉讼法》和《Shirley Chisholm国会金牌法》。 Congress recently passed several bills including the Protecting American Industry and Labor from International Trade Crimes Act, the Protecting Americans from Russian Litigation Act, and the Shirley Chisholm Congressional Gold Medal Act. 其他值得注意的法案有《残疾退伍军人住房支助法》和《证明法》,这两项法案要求联邦机构对新规则的间接成本进行核算,并就其对公共安全和小企业的影响展开辩论。 Other notable bills are the Disabled Veterans Housing Support Act and the Prove It Act, which requires federal agencies to account for indirect costs of new rules, with debate over its impact on public safety and small businesses. 众议院还通过了关于野生生物养护、税收减免和毛伊国家遗产区研究的决议。 The House also passed resolutions on wildlife conservation, tax relief, and the study of a national heritage area in Maui.