本田将于 2026 年推出 0 系列电动汽车,采用先进技术并在俄亥俄州制造。 Honda launches 0 Series EVs in 2026, featuring advanced tech and built in Ohio.
本田正在开发其新型电动汽车 0 SUV 和 0 Saloon,将于 2026 年在北美首次亮相,在俄亥俄州生产。 Honda is developing its new electric vehicles, the 0 SUV and 0 Saloon, set to debut in North America in 2026, with production in Ohio. 这些车型将采用本田的新 ASIMO OS,强调通过软件更新提供个性化的驾驶体验。 These models will feature Honda’s new ASIMO OS, emphasizing personalized driving experiences through software updates. 该操作系统集成了先进的驾驶辅助和信息娱乐系统,计划到 2030 年支持多达 100,000 个充电站。 The OS integrates advanced driver-assistance and infotainment systems, with plans to support up to 100,000 charging stations by 2030. SUV 和 Saloon 的设计受到了不同的评价,但在自动驾驶技术方面显示出前景。 The SUV and Saloon have received mixed reviews on their design, but show promise in automated driving technology.