本田计划在印度建造一个电动摩托车厂,目标是到2030年实现400万全球销售量。 Honda plans to build an electric motorcycle plant in India, targeting 4 million global sales by 2030.
本田计划到2028年在印度建造一个电动摩托车厂,目的是生产八种电动模型,价格范围与天然气动力车辆相当。 Honda plans to build an electric motorcycle plant in India by 2028, aiming to produce eight electric models targeting a price range comparable to gas-powered vehicles. 该公司的目标是到2030年在全球销售400万辆电动摩托车,并在摩托车行业中达到50%的市场份额,重点是发展南亚和南美洲的市场。 The company aims to sell 4 million electric motorcycles globally by 2030 and reach a 50% market share in the motorcycle industry, with a focus on developing markets in South Asia and South America. 本田公司预计在本十年结束之前在全球推出30个电模型。 Honda expects to introduce 30 electric models globally by the end of the decade.