由于强劲的美国经济数据加剧了对美联储延迟降息的担忧,加密货币和科技股下跌。 Cryptocurrencies and tech stocks fell as strong US economic data fueled fears of delayed rate cuts by the Fed.
Bitcoin公司和主要加密公司由于担心美国经济强劲以及美联储利率可能上涨而下跌了5%以上。 Bitcoin and major cryptocurrencies dropped over 5% on concerns of a strong US economy and potential Federal Reserve interest rate hikes. 这遵循了强有力的经济数据,包括IMS服务公司PMI和职位空缺的增加,这表明美联储可能会推迟削减利率,影响技术股票和密码等风险资产。 This follows strong economic data, including a rise in the ISM Services PMI and job openings, which suggests the Fed may delay rate cuts, impacting risk assets like tech stocks and cryptocurrencies. 更大的股票市场也下降了,S & P500下降了1.24%,技术重的NASDAQ下降了2.01%。 The broader stock market also declined, with the S&P 500 down 1.24% and tech-heavy NASDAQ down 2.01%. 较高的国库收益率也促成了市场下滑。 Higher Treasury yields also contributed to the market downturn.