中国的锂储备跃升到全球第二大, 提升了电动汽车和储存技术。 China's lithium reserves jump to second largest globally, boosting electric vehicle and storage tech.
中国的锂储量已经飙升到全球第二大,从占世界总量的6%上升到16.5%。 China's lithium reserves have surged to second-largest globally, rising from 6% to 16.5% of the world total. 增加的原因是大量国内勘探,包括西藏和青海的一个大型薄膜矿和富锂盐湖。 This increase is due to significant domestic exploration, including a major spodumene mine and lithium-rich salt lakes in Tibet and Qinghai. 该国在从利皮托利特等矿物中提取锂方面的进展预计将减少对外国供应的依赖,并支持电动车辆和能源储存系统的增长。 The country's advancements in extracting lithium from minerals like lepidolite are expected to decrease dependency on foreign supplies and support growth in electric vehicles and energy storage systems.