中国计划在贸易紧张的情况下,对电池技术以及锂等关键矿物实行新的出口管制。 China plans new export controls on battery tech and critical minerals like lithium, amid trade tensions.
中国计划对电池部件的技术以及锂和等关键矿物的加工实行更严格的出口管制,以反映当前的贸易紧张。 China plans to impose tighter export controls on technology used in battery components and the processing of critical minerals like lithium and gallium, reflecting ongoing trade tensions. 商务部的提案包括限制电池阴极技术和这些金属的提炼过程,以确保中国在全球汽车电动电池锂加工中发挥主导作用。 The Ministry of Commerce's proposals include restrictions on battery cathode technology and extraction processes for these metals, aiming to secure China's dominant role in global lithium processing for electric vehicle batteries. 将邀请公众反馈至2月1日。 Public feedback is invited until February 1.