拳击推广人唐·金 (Don King) 因涉嫌“Rumble in the Jungle”活动出错而被起诉 30 亿美元。 Boxing promoter Don King is sued for $3 billion over an alleged "Rumble in the Jungle" event that went wrong.
拳击推广人唐·金 (Don King) 面临比亚迪体育及其首席执行官塞西尔·米勒 (Cecil Miller) 的 30 亿美元诉讼,理由是据称“丛林中的隆隆声”(Rumble in the Jungle)50 周年纪念活动。 Boxing promoter Don King faces a $3 billion lawsuit from BYD Sports and its CEO, Cecil Miller, over an alleged 50th-anniversary event of the "Rumble in the Jungle." Miller索赔要求King鼓励他组织这次活动,但后来否认参与,导致财政损失和要求赔偿与1974年原先的匹配收入和预期损失相等的损失。 Miller claims King encouraged him to organize the event but later denied involvement, leading to financial losses and demands for damages equivalent to the original 1974 match earnings plus prospective damages. 此案正在审理之中,法官命令BYD澄清其成员的公民身份。 The case is ongoing with a judge's order for BYD to clarify the citizenship of its members.