联合拳击联盟同意在Cung Le发起的集体诉讼中达成3.75亿美元的和解协议. UFC agrees to $375 million settlement in class-action antitrust lawsuit initiated by Cung Le.
美国拳击联合会同意在2014年由前拳击手Cung Le发起的集体诉讼中达成3.75亿美元的和解. The UFC has agreed to a $375 million settlement in a class-action antitrust lawsuit initiated by former fighter Cung Le in 2014. 在此之前,一名法官拒绝了先前的3.35亿美元和解。 This follows the rejection of a prior $335 million settlement by a judge. 这项新的协定有待法院批准,目的是向一千多名战斗人员提供经济救济。 The new agreement, pending court approval, aims to provide financial relief to over a thousand fighters. 同时,Kajan Johnson领导的另一项诉讼仍未解决,一项驳回动议仍未解决。 Meanwhile, another lawsuit led by Kajan Johnson remains unresolved, with a motion to dismiss still pending.