内华达州法官拒绝335万澳元的UFC反托拉斯诉讼解决方案;审判定于10月28日进行。 Nevada judge rejects $335m UFC antitrust lawsuit settlement; trial set for October 28.
内华达州法官驳回了前战斗人员对变革力量联盟提出的两起反托拉斯诉讼的335万美元和解。 A Nevada judge has rejected a $335m settlement in two UFC antitrust lawsuits filed by former fighters. 诉讼要求变革力量联盟使用反竞争策略压制战斗人员赔偿。 The lawsuits claimed the UFC used anti-competitive tactics to suppress fighter compensation. 确定10月28日为暂定审判日期,因为一名法官发现对和解的关切,包括商定数额与战斗人员要求的最初损害赔偿金之间的差异。 A tentative trial date has been set for 28 October, after a judge found concerns with the settlement, including discrepancies between the agreed amount and the initial damages sought by the fighters. 原告代表1 200多名战斗人员,最初要求赔偿约1.6美元的损失。 The plaintiffs, representing over 1,200 fighters, initially sought approximately $1.6bn in damages. 变革力量联盟对决定的反应不明确,因为它可以考虑对决定提出上诉或提出另一解决办法。 UFC's response to the decision is unclear, as it may consider appealing the decision or proposing another settlement.