Aon任命John Neal为全球气候解决方案主席,以应对日益严重的气候风险。 Aon appoints John Neal as Global Chairman of Climate Solutions to address growing climate risks.
全球专业服务公司Aon任命John Neal为新的全球气候解决方案主席兼再保险首席执行官。 Aon, a global professional services firm, has named John Neal as the new Global Chairman of Climate Solutions and CEO of Reinsurance. Neal将重点利用先进的分析和创新性解决方案,应对不断上升的气候和灾难风险。 Neal will focus on tackling rising climate and catastrophe risks using advanced analytics and innovative solutions. 这一任命是在企业和社区面临越来越多的与气候有关的挑战的情况下任命的。 This appointment comes amid increasing climate-related challenges for businesses and communities. Neal将常驻伦敦,从伦敦Lloyd和QBE公司的角色中获取丰富经验。 Neal, who will be based in London, brings extensive experience from roles at Lloyd's of London and QBE.