伦敦CEOJohn Neal的Lloyd的CEOJohn Neal 将前往Aon 领导再保险和气候解决方案 Lloyd's of London CEO John Neal is leaving to lead re-insurance and climate solutions at Aon.
伦敦劳埃德公司2018年以来的首席执行官John Neal 即将在Aon负责再保险和气候解决方案。 John Neal, CEO of Lloyd's of London since 2018, is leaving to head re-insurance and climate solutions at Aon. Neal指导了Lloyd经历了各种挑战,如流行病、Brexit和乌克兰冲突,并处理了包括性骚扰在内的内部问题。 Neal guided Lloyd's through challenges such as the pandemic, Brexit, and the Ukraine conflict, and dealt with internal issues including sexual harassment. Lloyd最近报告说,在乌克兰索赔和大流行病影响造成2022年损失之后,Lloyd最近报告出现强劲反弹,到2024年6月,税收前利润达49亿英镑。 Lloyd's recently reported a strong rebound, with a pre-tax profit of £4.9 billion in the year to June 2024, after losses in 2022 due to Ukraine claims and pandemic impacts.