2025年4月开始担任亚太商业风险解决方案负责人。 Aon names Terence Williams head of Commercial Risk Solutions for Asia Pacific, starting April 2025.
全球专业服务公司Aon任命Terence Williams从2025年4月起担任亚太地区商业风险解决办法负责人。 Aon, a global professional services firm, has appointed Terence Williams as the head of Commercial Risk Solutions for Asia Pacific, starting in April 2025. 威廉姆斯具有20多年的经验,包括他作为EMEA首席经纪干事的角色,将设在新加坡。 Williams, with over 20 years of experience including his role as Chief Broking Officer for EMEA, will be based in Singapore. 他将领导Aon在该区域的商业风险战略,并加入亚太执行委员会和全球商业风险领导小组。 He will lead Aon’s commercial risk strategies in the region and join the Asia Pacific Executive Committee and Global Commercial Risk Leadership Team.