Yakima县验尸官Jim Curtice面临刑事指控和关于滥用毒品指控的重审听证会。 Yakima County Coroner Jim Curtice faces criminal charges and a recall hearing over drug misuse allegations.
Yakima县验尸官Jim Curtice面临刑事指控和重新收监听证会,罪名是据称盗窃和使用死者的毒品,对此撒谎,以及不当处理死亡调查。 Yakima County Coroner Jim Curtice faces criminal charges and a recall hearing for allegedly stealing and using drugs from deceased individuals, lying about it, and mishandling death investigations. 1月10日的听证会 将决定 重新收监的指控是否足够。 The hearing on January 10th will decide if recall charges are sufficient. Curtice自九月以来就请假, Curtice has been on leave since September and has faced calls to resign.