El Paso县任命Emily Russell-Kinsley博士为新任验尸官, El Paso County appoints Dr. Emily Russell-Kinsley as new coroner starting January 1, 2025.
El Paso县专员委员会已任命Emily Russell-Kinsley博士为新验尸官, El Paso County's Board of Commissioners has appointed Dr. Emily Russell-Kinsley as the new coroner, starting January 1, 2025. Russell-Kinsley博士自2018年以来一直担任副首席医学检查官,他将接替Leon Kelly博士的职务,他将在担任该职务17年后于年底辞职。 Dr. Russell-Kinsley, who has been the Deputy Chief Medical Examiner since 2018, will take over from Dr. Leon Kelly, who is resigning at the end of the year after 17 years in the role. 她将负责确定死因和进行法医调查。 She will be responsible for determining causes of death and conducting forensic investigations.