Yakima县法官允许就毒品盗窃指控向Coroner Jim Curtice 提出重新收监请愿。 Yakima County judge allows recall petition against Coroner Jim Curtice over drug theft allegations.
Yakima县高等法院法官允许针对Jim Curtice县验尸官的重新收监请愿继续进行,因为有人指控他行为不当,包括盗窃死者的毒品。 A Yakima County Superior Court judge has allowed a recall petition against County Coroner Jim Curtice to proceed, following allegations of misconduct including stealing drugs from deceased individuals. Curtice承认这些行为,面临严重的轻罪指控。 Curtice, who has admitted to these actions, faces gross misdemeanor charges. 如果他在16天内不提出上诉,支持者可以开始收集所需的13 488个签名,以便在今后的投票中进行重新召回。 If he does not appeal within 16 days, supporters can begin collecting the required 13,488 signatures to place the recall on a future ballot.