英国监管机构计划调查技术巨头,以促进数字市场的竞争和创新。 UK regulators plan to investigate tech giants to boost competition and innovation in digital markets.
联合王国竞争和市场管理局计划根据新的数字市场权力发起两项调查,目的是推动技术创新和竞争。 The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) plans to launch two investigations under new digital markets powers aimed at boosting innovation and competition in tech. 资本市场委员会将首先指定具有“战略市场地位”(SMS)的公司从事具体的数字活动,然后再进行调查。 The CMA will first designate firms with "Strategic Market Status" (SMS) for specific digital activities before investigating them. 这些调查可能导致需要防止技术巨头偏好自己的服务,并使用户更容易转换供应商。 These investigations could lead to requirements that prevent tech giants from favoring their own services and make it easier for users to switch providers. 资本市场管理局预期在9个月内完成这些调查。 The CMA expects to complete these investigations within nine months.