英国的CMA考虑调查AWS和微软 以主宰云计算市场 UK's CMA considers investigating AWS and Microsoft for dominating the cloud computing market.
英国竞争和市场管理局(CMA)正在考虑根据新的数字市场规则调查亚马逊网络服务和微软云服务,因为担心90亿英镑云计算市场竞争有限。 The UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is considering investigating Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft's cloud services under new digital markets rules, due to concerns over limited competition in the £9 billion cloud computing market. CMA指出,AWS和微软各占40%左右的市场,技术壁垒使得用户很难转换供应商。 The CMA notes that AWS and Microsoft each hold about 40% of the market, and technical barriers make it hard for users to switch providers. 如果被指定具有战略市场地位,这些公司将面临促进竞争的特殊措施。 If designated with strategic market status, these companies would face special measures to boost competition.