一名巴勒斯坦袭击者在一辆以色列公共汽车上受伤8人,后来在Ariel附近被部队打死。 A Palestinian attacker injured eight on an Israeli bus before being killed by troops near Ariel.
星期五,在西岸Ariel定居点附近的一辆以色列公共汽车遭到袭击,至少八人受伤。 An attack on an Israeli bus near the Ariel settlement in the West Bank injured at least eight people on Friday. 这名袭击者是一名46岁的巴勒斯坦男子,据称是哈马斯武装派系的成员,被以色列部队杀害。 The attacker, a 46-year-old Palestinian man and alleged member of Hamas' armed wing, was killed by Israeli troops. 4人被枪弹击中,3人伤势严重,另有4人被碎玻璃击伤。 Four people were hit by gunfire, with three in serious condition, and four others were injured by shattered glass. 这一事件是在自2023年10月加沙冲突开始以来暴力事件增加之后发生的。 This incident follows a rise in violence since the Gaza conflict began in October 2023.