研究发现,经过处理的废水中“永远化学物”可能会污染2 300万美国人的水。 Study finds "forever chemicals" in treated wastewater may contaminate water for 23 million Americans.
一项新的研究表明,在经过处理的废水中发现的“永远的化学物质”或PFAS可能会污染大约2 300万美国人的饮用水。 A new study reveals that "forever chemicals," or PFAS, found in treated wastewater, may contaminate drinking water for about 23 million Americans. 这些化学品不易分解,是在美国各地八个大型废水处理厂的水样中检测到的,即使采用了先进的处理技术。 These chemicals, which do not break down easily, were detected in water samples from eight large wastewater treatment plants across the US, even with advanced treatment technologies. 研究人员警告说,随着干旱减少自然水源,越来越依赖经处理的废水,气候变化可能使问题恶化。 Researchers warn that climate change could worsen the issue as droughts reduce natural water sources, increasing reliance on treated wastewater. 研究还发现,92%发现的危险化合物不受管制,包括其他全氟辛烷磺酰胺和药品。 The study also found that 92% of the hazardous compounds discovered were unregulated, including other PFAS and pharmaceuticals.